Do you have sagging skin of the upper and lower eyelids that cause your eyes to look droopy or puffy? If so, you may be a candidate for a blepharoplasty.
A blepharoplasty is a small office-based surgical procedure where your eyelid surgeon excises the extra skin around your eyes which are making your eyelids look droopy and/ or puffy. There is generally no need for anesthesia other than a small amount of local anesthesia to the skin and you leave after your appointment with only tiny sutures where the extra skin was taken off.
Sometimes this is a medically indicated procedure if your eyesight is being impaired or if the sagging eyelid is causing you headaches. Many times, the extra effort your forehead muscles use to lift the sagging skin can lead to wrinkling of the forehead and a blepharoplasty along with a holistic approach to your cosmetic treatments can make the appearance of your face much more youthful and replenished.
Dr. Daren Fomin has a passion for helping his patients look and feel their best. Schedule an appointment with him to see if a blepharoplasty is something that you could benefit from.