Prepare for your Laser Hair Removal visit
Here is an easy guide with our top recommendations to make your laser hair removal treatments effective, comfortable and most importantly safe!
Avoid sun exposure for 2 weeks before and after your treatment.
Recently tanned skin cannot be treated. This includes tan from tanning beds, creams, and bronzers.
Always wear Sunscreen SPF 50 or higher.
Avoid heat exposure like saunas, steam rooms, jacuzzis, extremely hot showers or strenuous activities for a minimum of 48-hours post-treatment.
No working out for at least 24hrs post-treatment.
Just say no to plucking, waxing, epilating, tweezing, or threading… shaving is the only option before/after sessions. And don’t forget to shave the area we are treating within 24hrs of your appointment.
Up to 2-weeks post-treatment, you may notice hair falling out of the treated areas. This is not new growth, this is your laser treatment working! (Note: You can clean/remove the hair by washing or wiping the area with a wet cloth.)
Treatments are not allowed until 14 days after the final dose of any antibiotic or photosensitizing medications (Examples: antibiotics, steroids, St. Johns Wort).
Accutane must be stopped 9 months before laser treatments.
Over-the-counter Retin-A, Retinols, Glycolics, Salicylics should be avoided on the treatment area 3 days prior to treatment.
Prescription-strength Retin-A, Retinols, Glycolics, Salicylics should be avoided on the treatment area 3 days prior to treatment.
Laser Hair Removal is not effective on grey, blond, and red hair. (Call us to discuss if you're a candidate for Meladine™, the only patented natural melanin enhancer. Used to increase pigment in non-pigmented hair follicles for treatment by laser, Meladine™ has become a tremendous success for people with blonde, gray and white hair are receiving satisfying results with laser hair removal).
Schedule your appointments based on the guidelines below and your hair growth. If you don’t have any hair growth 5 days prior to your scheduled appointment, give us a call to reschedule!
Face (any part), Underarm, Brazilian: 4-6 Weeks
Arm, Legs, Back, Chest, Abs: 6-12 weeks
We do charge for no-shows and late cancellations, so please contact us as soon as possible if you need to reschedule.
Leawood MedSpa: 913-210-2050
Kansas City MedSpa: 913-334-9350
Topeka MedSpa: 785-273-6460
Manhattan MedSpa: 785-320-7774
Mission MedSpa: 913-631-0220
Independence MedSpa: 816-778-7489
Park Place MedSpa: 913-491-4000

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